
Job Interview Question

You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night. You pass
by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for the bus

An old lady who looks as if she is about to die

An old friend who once saved your life

The perfect man (or) woman you have been dreaming about

Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing that there could only be one passenger in your car

Think before you continue reading. This is a moral/ethical dilemma

that was once actually used as part of a job application

You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and
thus you should save her first; or you could take the old friend
because he once saved your life, and this would be the perfect
chance to pay him back. However, you may never be able to find

your perfect dream lover again

The candidate who was hired (out of 200 applicants) had no trouble
coming up with his answer

He simply answered: "I would give the car keys to my old friend, and

let him take the lady to the hospital. I would stay behind and wait for

the bus with the woman of my dreams

Never forget to Think Outside of the Box

Answering Machine




Hello. This is Mark and Nathan's phone. We're not here right now, but the phone is


Sorry, Chris and Susan aren't here right now. Please leave your name and number after the tone. If you are calling regarding an outstanding debt, please leave your message before the tone



Hello. I'm David's answering machine. What are you



Due to the large number of complaints regarding the length of our previous answering machine message, we made a few changes. Very fast: Hi, this is 904-4344. If you want to leave a message, please wait for the tone. If you want to leave your name and number, please press pound, press 3, then dial your name, then press 6 and dial your number. If you want to leave your name and just a message, press star, press 6, ask for extension 4443, then leave your name and message. If you want to leave your number and the time you called, please press star twice, spin in a circle, press 1 twice, talk loud and BEEP


پیغامگیر تلفن خونه شما چی می گه ؟!

دخترم می گفت بگیم :

You know what to do ?!



شکر گذاری



روشنائی چراغهای خیابان خوشامد گوئی گرم سرمای شبانه ای بود که داشت از راه می رسید.

انحنای نیمکت پارک با ستون فقرات خسته اش آشنا بود .

پتوی پشمی سالویشن آرمی * ٬ دور شانه هایش پیچیده شده  و آرامش بخش بود . و یک جفت کفشی که امروز از میان زباله ها پیدا کرده بود کاملا اندازه اش بود .

فکر کرد ٬خدایا٬ زندگی چقدر خوب است .




The Street lights were warm welcome from oncoming chill of darkness

The park bench‘s curvature felt familiar under his tired old spine

The wool blanket from Salvation Army was comfortable around his shoulders and the pair of shoes he’d found in the dumpster today fit perfectly

God, he thought , isn’t life grand


Andrew E. Hunt

From the world’s shortest story by Steve Moss , Gita Gorgani

 * تشکیلات مسیحی که هدفش تبلیغ مذهبی و کمک به فقراست.


The wish


The evening glow behind the fog faded as the two walked the almost deserted beach


“I’ll never understand women “


“Do you really want to?”


“Yes, I do, I truly do. “


“Oh, all right.”


She whispered into his ear; understanding crystallized in his eyes like broken glass


He ran screaming in to night



                                                                                                                 Ross Parsons


Airport Encounters

I was in the airport VIP lounge in route to Seattle a couple of weeks ago. While in there, I noticed Bill Gates sitting comfortably in the corner, enjoying a drink

I was meeting a very important client who was also flying to Seattle, but she was running a little bit late

Well, being a straightforward kind of guy, I approached the Microsoft chairman, introduced myself, and said, "Mr. Gates, I wonder if you would do me a favor"


"I'm sitting right over there," pointing to my seat at the bar, "and I'm waiting on a very important client. Would you be so kind when she arrives as to come walk by and just say, 'Hi, Ray,'


I shook his hand and thanked him and went back to my seat

About ten minutes later, my client showed up. We ordered a drink and started to talk business

A couple of minutes later, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Bill Gates

"Hi, Ray," he said

I replied, "Get lost Gates, I'm in a meeting"

برای کاهش اضطراب این روزها!

How to do Business

A Conversation was between a man named Baboo & his son

Baboo: I want you to marry a girl of my choice

!"Son: "I will choose my own bride

."?Baboo: "But the girl is Bill Gates's daughter

"?Son: "Well, in that case...ok

Next Baboo approaches Bill Gates

."Baboo: "I have a husband for your daughter

!"Bill Gates: "But my daughter is too young to marry

."Baboo: "But this young man is a vice-president of the World Bank

"Bill Gates: "Ah, in that case...ok

Finally Baboo goes to see the president of the World Bank

."Baboo: "I have a young man to be recommended as a vice-president

!"President: "But I already have more vice-presidents than I need

."Baboo: "But this young man is Bill Gates's son-in-law

!"President : "Ah, in that case...ok

!!!?This is how business is done

These are REAL 911 Calls


Dispatcher: 9-1-1 what is your emergency

Caller:  I heard what sounded like gunshots coming from the brown
            house on the corner.

Dispatcher: Do you have an address

Caller:   No, I have on a blouse and slacks, why

9-1-1 What is your emergency
Caller:  Someone broke into my house and took a bite out of my ham
             and cheese sandwich.
Dispatcher: Excuse me
Caller:  I made a ham and cheese sandwich and left it on the kitchen
            table and when I came back from the bathroom, someone had
            taken a bite out of it.
Dispatcher: Was anything else taken
Caller:  No, but this has happened to me before and I'm sick and tired
            of it


9-1-1 What is the nature of your emergency
Caller:   I'm trying to reach
nine eleven but my phone doesn't have
             an eleven on it.
Dispatcher: This is
nine eleven.
Caller:    I thought you just said it was nine-one-one
Dispatcher: Yes, ma'am nine-one-one and nine-eleven are the same
Caller:    Honey, I may be old, but I'm not stupid.


Dispatcher: 9-1-1 What's the nature of your emergency
Caller:    My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two
              minutes apart
Dispatcher: Is this her first child
Caller:    No, you idiot! This is her husband!

Caller:   Yeah, I'm having trouble breathing. I'm all out of breat 
              Darn....I think I'm going to pass out
Dispatcher: Sir, where are you calling from
Caller:   I'm at a pay phone. North and Foster
Dispatcher: ! Sir, an ambulance is on the way. Are you an asthmatic
Caller:   No
Dispatcher: What were you doing before you started having trouble
Caller:   Running from the Police